Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sanford Block Party Headed For Hawkins Avenue

The City of Sanford is now planning its fourth annual Sanford Block Party. This year, the party will happen on Hawkins Avenue between Hill Avenue and E. Weatherspoon Street.

You're Invited!

The party will take place on April 26, 2014 from 8am to 3pm. If you'd like to participate, all you have to do is bring your gardening tools, gloves, and a great attitude to work side-by-side with community agencies, volunteers, churches, civic groups, municipal staffers, and elected officials to make a difference you can see.

This year's Sanford Block Party will be coordinated by the City's Housing Task Force, including Karen Kennedy, John Ramsperger, and Ken Armstrong along with local insurance agents Chadburn Spivey, Deborah Crews, Cleo Blue, and Jimmy Tucker.

To let them know you're coming, go to the "Sanford Block Party" event on Facebook. You can also contact Chadburn Spivey if you aren't on Facebook.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who Can Help?  Anyone is welcome to come volunteer, whether as an individual or with a group. To discuss volunteer options and RSVP to help, contact Deborah Crews at 919-776-1707.
  • What kind of help is needed?  Homes along this stretch need basic repairs and landscaping, such as painting, mowing, raking, and landscaping. We ask that volunteers bring their own tools if they can.
  • Are there ways to help if I can't be there that day?  This project requires repair and landscaping tools and materials, as well as food, beverages, and entertainment for those who volunteer. Each year, the community and local businesses step up to help out.

    To donate items this year, use the following contacts:

    Materials: Jimmy Tucker at 919-774-5010 or Cleo Blue at 919-775-2205.
    Tools or supplies: John Ramsperger at 919-842-3308 or David Nestor at 919-353-2020.
    Food, beverages, or entertainment: Chadburn Spivey at 919-774-1677.


For general questions or more information, contact Karen Kennedy or 919-777-1113 or Chadburn Spivey at 919-774-1677.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

GFOA Recognizes Sanford With Budget Award

The Government Finance Officers Association has recognized the City of Sanford, NC with a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its budget for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.

This award is reserved for budgets that serve as an entity’s policy document, financial plan, operations guide, and communications device. Budget documents must be rated "proficient" in each of those four categories, as well as the 14 criteria within those categories, to receive the award.

In addition to the budget award, Financial Services Director Beth Kelly was awarded a Certificate of Recognition for Budget Presentation for being primarily responsible for the budget’s superior rating.

This is the City of Sanford, NC’s 28th consecutive year receiving the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.

You can access the City of Sanford’s budget on our website.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sanford PIO Earns Statewide Honors

The NC Association of Government Information Officers (NCAGIO) recognized Kelly Quiñones Miller, the City of Sanford’s public information officer, with two awards for Excellence in Communication for 2013 at their annual conference.

The NCAGIO’s awards program recognizes outstanding work by people serving in public information and public relations positions in government-related agencies that participate in the local, state, or federal government retirement system.

Miller won in the Community Engagement category for the city’s e-newsletter, which was created in January 2013 and is sent out each Monday morning. The e-newsletter contains information about City news and developments, upcoming events, personnel changes, employment opportunities, and more.

The newsletter is free and can be accessed from the city’s website. Archived issues are also available.

Miller also won in the Internal Communication/Employee Engagement category for a series of informational flyers created for the city’s Wellness Program. The series encouraged employees to choose healthier breakfast options as a way to prevent illness and increase overall health.

Other winners in these categories for 2013 include the NC Department of Transportation, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department, and City of Havelock.

Miller joined the City of Sanford as its public information officer in November 2012. Her experience includes marketing strategy, public relations, web design and content creation, training, and journalism. She founded the hyperlocal website SocialSanford and teaches social media courses through the Practical Knowledge Seminar Series.

For more information about the Excellence in Communication awards or the City’s weekly e-newsletter, contact Miller at or 919-777-1133.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Visioning Workshop Planned

The Sanford City Council will meet on Wednesday, January 15 at the Sanford Municipal Center (City Hall) for a visioning workshop. The workshop will begin at 10am.

For questions or more information, contact City Clerk Bonnie White at 919-777-1111.